Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

A stand alone version of Laura Evan's story can be found on your website.
Please go here: Laura Evans story

Objectives for Week Four

After we learn the skills, the activities and the strategies to grow our businesses .. Next step is to get smart about how we use our time. Objectives for this session are:

  • The Shaklee Compensation Plan was created after 5+ years of intensive research and analysis of a variety of compensation plans in the Direct Selling Industry.
  • Today we are privileged to have as our guest, Master Coordinator Laura Evans, former Senior Executive Vice President of Shaklee and a key player in the introduction of the Dream Plan.
  • Then new Senior Coordinator Sarah Galbreth who appointed 2 new Directors in August will share what shifted for her and how she is developing her growing business team.
  • Then we will look at our role in sharing the power of what the Dream Plan can mean for our prospective team members including Laura & Sarah’s stories.

Action Steps

  • Let’s each make a list of 5 people with whom to share Laura or Sarah’s story.
  • Go to your and select the business presentation you like the best... Then personalize it with your pictures and your story.
  • Continue to schedule Back-to-School themed events (see last session on September marketing ideas). Offer gifts to customers for inviting friends to your events or hosting their own .. In person or online.


Recorded on September 20, 2016.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
